Idle ≠ Dead

on 1:57 PM

Well, it's been a long time since the last time I wrote in my blog. Well, idle from blog didn't mean my creativity died like a dying soldier in the battlefield. I usually transfer bright ideas in my brain to my Twitter. Those ideas are just like quotes

Minimize ours, maximize theirs
(refers to casualties in war)

I sing, I think, I solve things
(inspired by Jason Mraz and Bobby Rama Jaya)

Our mind is a time machine; it can go to the future, it can go to our past
(got this when I wrote my autobiography)

Our life is just like company's profit gr
aph; sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down
(ah, I forget about th
is one -_-)

Not only quotes, I made some design with my lovely Photoshop. Actually some of those designs were my friends' request for their autobiography project.

These are my design
for Kiky's cover

<- This is my design for Bopal's cover
This is my design for my school's graduation