Road to Pengumuman LDKS 2011

on 11:39 PM

Jawab pertanyaan ini dan kamu akan selangkah lebih dekat dengan pengumuman LDKS 2011.

"Tetap sehat, tetap semangat." Siapa yang biasa mengucapkan kalimat itu?

A. Bondan Winarno

B. Sekretaris 1 OSIS MZR 24
C. Sekretaris MPK MZR 24
D. Mas Jon
E. Sensei Dedeh

Answering the correct answer will lead you to another world. Good luck! :) Read More..

Back to Sentences

on 1:33 PM

It's been a long time since I sat in front of my computer and typed some words of my imaginations to become a new story. The last story I wrote is... Crap! I even can't remember it! -__-'. Since I "trapped" in this condition (secretary of student organization and other busy conditions), I just type letters and proposals. I rarely have time to write new stories (even to update my blog).

But now, the condition has been changed. During my last days on second grade in Senior High School, once again I found another inspiration for my new story. I got it from many sources, such as games, music, and even historical figures

Now I'll explain a little bit about the new story...

The story is about rise and fall of a king. The King in this story is inspired by Coldplay's Viva La Vida, Louis XVI of France, and many games such as Suikoden, Sim City 4, and many more. In the past, The King had a best friend and a lover. And.... (oops, sorry there isn't any spoiler for this story ^_^). I planned to divide the story into two parts, with different point of view and characters.

For their titles, I prefer "Rise" and "Fall". I was inspired by a book named "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" which I knew from a history book. "Rise" is for the first part, while "Fall" is for the second part.

"No guts, no glory". Based on that proverb, I will try to write this story set in a fictional kingdom in British regions on circa. 1000s A.D. So, I'm going to need a lot of research on these things.

Well folks, that's all I can tell about my new story. I'm fighting so hard to make it come true, so wish me luck and success ^_^. And if you want to participate in this project, you can contact me via email to

That's all folks. Au revoir!
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American Field Service Selection - An Experience

on 5:48 AM

I think every high school student in the world must be known this. Yes, it is American Field Service aka. AFS! Historically, this is some kind of humanity organization which helped wounded soldiers in World War I. But as the life goes on, the organization which based on world peace changed its programs into intercultural student exchange.

But now, I won’t tell you about it (you can search it in Wikipedia). I will share to you about my experience with American Field Service Indonesian Edition, Yayasan Bina Antarbudaya.

My journey with Bina Antarbudaya started a year ago. I was a first grader of a senior high school who is really interested with student exchange program, especially AFS. So, I signed myself to the selection test. There are three phase of test. First, there’s Writing Test (general knowledge, English, and Indonesian Essay). Then we got Interview Test. If we pass it… well I don’t know much about the third phase, because I didn’t pass until the third phase T.T.

When I didn’t see my name in the list of who passed the test, my family and I felt so disappointed, especially to me. But I recover from my disappointment and decided to try with another student exchange program when I’m on college. But, I decided one thing; I have to be a Volunteer of Bina Antarbudaya and keep join with them in another way.

Almost a year later, my senior in high school asked me if I want to be a Volunteer of Bina Antarbudaya. Suddenly, I saw a bright light of inspiration; if this is my chance, why not? So I give him a Yes and he told me to come to help him and his friends with the registration. That was the first time I became a Volunteer of Bina Antarbudaya.

Me and Seniors of Bina Antarbudaya

I come and helped in the registration phase. Silently, I asked my senior if I can help them again on the test phase. I get the confirmation from my senior after a few days and he said, “Yes! You may come with us.”

During the test phase and its preparations, I helped them like I do my job in student’s organization in my school; a total work. Of course, I met many people I didn’t know before. There are kind people, crazy people, but they are really professional with their job. I like that! After the test, I really want to help them on the second phase of the test which will be held in Jakarta. But I still wait for the confirmation from the seniors. I really hope I can work with them again ^_^ .
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Idle ≠ Dead

on 1:57 PM

Well, it's been a long time since the last time I wrote in my blog. Well, idle from blog didn't mean my creativity died like a dying soldier in the battlefield. I usually transfer bright ideas in my brain to my Twitter. Those ideas are just like quotes

Minimize ours, maximize theirs
(refers to casualties in war)

I sing, I think, I solve things
(inspired by Jason Mraz and Bobby Rama Jaya)

Our mind is a time machine; it can go to the future, it can go to our past
(got this when I wrote my autobiography)

Our life is just like company's profit gr
aph; sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down
(ah, I forget about th
is one -_-)

Not only quotes, I made some design with my lovely Photoshop. Actually some of those designs were my friends' request for their autobiography project.

These are my design
for Kiky's cover

<- This is my design for Bopal's cover
This is my design for my school's graduation

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Chapters of My Life

on 9:16 PM

Since I was on the 4th grade, I had a dream to become a writer. Specifically, a successful writer which books are all best seller. But when I enter the new phase of my life which I know many people with different characteristics, I was influenced by those things and began to forget my dream.

But actually, the feeling of create some stories sometimes appears. Sometimes i just want to go to my computer and start typing a silly but amazing stories. I want to write a lot of story and show it to the world. But, sometimes the inspiration seems like they hate me and fly away from me.

In April 2010, I found a stairway to my dream. My Indonesian teacher, Miss Widi, gave me and my friends an assignment to write about ourselves. Well, it was not just a story, but it was an autobiography. Start from our childhood until our time at Senior High School.

When I wrote mine, I got an idea to publish it in Internet, so the world can know me and my writings. So, here I am, publish my autobiography so you can read it.

Thanks to Miss Widi for the assignment. Last but not least, thanks to everyone who has brighten up my life and fill my life with millions of memories.

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Flag Waver Squad

on 11:04 AM

Before continue to my story, I want to apologize about the silly title. Well, that’s because I really don’t know about the English of Paskibra, so I just translate it word by word, and that’s the result. But if you have any idea about the correct English, just tell me okay? Thanks mate, cheers!

This idea came to me several days ago. When my big family came to my house, some of them asked me, “What sport do you like? Is it basket, or soccer, or what?” Well, I usually confused with those kinds of questions. But now, I can answer them with this kind of answer, “Well, I usually do some exercise at Paskibra.”

Well, actually, Paskibra was a new thing for me because my extracurricular activities were never physical activities. When I was on Junior High School, my activities were Teen Red Cross, Science Club, and IT-Community (the last one is the best activities that I ever followed). Even on Senior High School, the first extracurricular activity that I joined was School Magazine.

It was started on March 2010 (or maybe last February 2010). My friends (or maybe my best friends), Bopal and Bobby asked me to follow Paskibra because Paskibra were going to follow a competition. Because of Bopal and Bobby, I joined with them.
The first time I followed their practice I didn’t surprised how hard it was because I felt it when I followed LDKS and LDKI for OSIS candidates. But just like those practice, Paskibra practice made me so tired.

On the first day too I met the seniors and knew them deeper for the first time, but of course not as deep as now. The seniors gave us some briefing about the selection of Paskibra for August 17th Ceremony on National and Province level. Bopal encouraged me to follow the selection. So I just filled the form and signed it. But we still had to concentrate on the competition.

There were two phases of first selection. Fortunately, I got through those phase of selection. But unfortunately, I didn’t get through the last phase of selection. But Bopal got through, so I just support him so he can get to National level.

After selection, we concentrate to our competition. The competition was held on April 25th. We got very hard training because the boy squad wasn’t serious at the practice. But H minus some days, we practiced seriously. But the both teams (boys and girls) weren’t lucky. We didn’t get any champion in that competition.

Well, for me, Paskibra is a very exciting activity. That’s because my friends (both old and new), my seniors, the Paskibra itself, and many things. I hope with this activity, my nationalism will increase than before haha.
Photos of Paskibra Moonzher 2009 and 2010 + FBB members
(thanks for Intan for the photo)

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The Origin of Kuka

on 5:13 AM

I have lived for 15 years so I have met many new people. When I meet other people, I like to introduce myself to them. So first thing I tell them is my name; my full name and my nickname. But there’s always one question that come up after I tell them my nickname, and that question is:

“Nama Kuka dari mana sih? Kenapa Kharishar Kahfi bisa jadi Kuka?”

And I always answer that question with this sentence:

“Ceritanya panjang hehehe :D”

But now, I’ll tell you, my blog reader, the history of my name, Kharishar Kahfi and Kuka.
Sometimes, I ask my mama about the meaning of my name. Fortunately, she always tell me about my name’s meaning. I’m gonna explain it to you, start from my full name, Kharishar Kahfi.

The first word, Kharishar. Maybe you think it’s just one simple word. If you think like that, you’re very very wrong mate. Kharishar is the combination between three words and one hope (^_^). Those three words are Kharisma, (my mother’s name), and (my father’s name). According to my mama, Kharishar is my parent’s hope so I can have their charisma (Y) (Y).

The second word, Kahfi. If you look into Islam history, you’ll find a story about several men and animal who hid into a cave and slept there for hundreds years. God made them slept for hundreds years so they were save from their enemy. According to my mama, Kahfi is my parent’s another hope that if something bad comes to me, God will save me from those bad things.

Now, I’m gonna discuss about my nickname, Kuka. Well, Kuka is a simple word formed by three different letters; K, U, and A. First, I’ll tell you about the history of Kuka

My parents married on 1993. Since then, they have “love nick names”. My mama called my papa “Poepa” and my papa called my mama “Moema”. Because I’m the first child, they called me “Kaka”. But they used their “love nick names” to my name, so they called me “Kuka”.
Well, that’s the history of Kuka. But if we look deeper into Kuka, there’s another meaning of Kuka. My mama always said Kuka is the shorter version of “Kukasihi”, “Kukangenin”, etc. (Y)

But, I hate this part when I must tell another about the origin of Kuka, cause they make something bad with my name, like “KUKAcangin”, “KUKAsih tamparan”, etc. -_-

But I don't hate my name, I always love it. My name’s good because they contain my parent’s hope for me to be a better person. I hope their hopes are granted so I can be a better person.
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New Post, New Life

on 9:46 PM

Hey hey, long time no see my blog haha. It has been 4 months since our last meeting right? Sorry because I didn’t have any mood, even time to blogging

I have so many stories to tell ya. Well, it’s about my life. I mean my NEW life haha.

First story is about my lovelife (I always want to tell it since months ago but…. Sorry). Well, I’m single now. My ex-girlfriend and I broke up at November 20th 2009, in Kencana Loka, BSD. I was so sad that time, but now, it’s different me. Now we are walking on different way and different life. She has found another perfect boy and I still enjoy my single, (not totally) free, alone life. Well, I’m still looking for the next one haha.

Well, honestly, I just want to tell you about my lovelife. But I think that’s not enough. So, I’ll tell you my blog reader (^_^) another story about my life.

Since October or November 2009 (I forget when it happened), I was a member of Student Organization in my school, SMAN 2 Kota Tangerang Selatan, and I’m the member of 10th department of Student Organization. As one of many members of Student Organization, I’m involved on one of Student Organizations giant (more than big-red) project. The project is called Moonzher Cup (but my friend and I sometimes call it MooCup). So for all my blog reader, please pray for us so we are able to carry out our giant project (amen) :).

Well maybe that’s enough for opening after a very long break hehe. See ya next time guys in next post in the same blog :D. Good bye!
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The Resistance

on 9:16 AM

Senangnya bisa posting lagi, yess! Keep enjoying my blog, friends :D

The Resistance. Kata ini sangat berarti bagiku, malah ada dua arti yang sangat penting bagiku, yaitu:

1. Karena aku mempelajari Perang Dunia II, ada istilah Resistance, yang artinya pejuang bawah tanah yang menentang Jerman Nazi. Aku lumayan tertarik sama hal ini, karena emang seru
2. Album baru Muse, yang udah lama ditunggu, yang baru keluar pada tanggal 14 September 2009. Kalo ini sih jangan ditanya lagi, pasti aku suangaat tertarik :D

Nah di postingan ini, aku bakal ngebahas tentang arti The Resistance yang kedua, yaitu judul album baru Muse, termasuk cerita singkat tentang perjalananku bersama album baru ini.

Dulu, waktu pertama kali aku suka Muse, objective utamaku adalah ngumpulin lagu Muse, semua album dan kalo memungkinkan, B-Sidesnya. Dan Alhamdulillah, sebagian besar tujuanku itu udah tercapai.

Nah, aku gak mau stuck sampai di situ aja. Akhirnya aku naik satu level. Setelah ngoleksi lagu-lagu lamanya, aku pengen punya lagu barunya. Album barunya berjudul The Resistance.

Kabar tentang album barunya tuh udah lamaa banget, pas awal 2009 kalo gak salah. Nah, kuikutin tuh beritanya, soalnya ngarep banget dapet lagu baru dari Muse :D. Dan Alhamdulillah, banyak berita yang bisa didapetin dari banyak sumber.

Mulai bulan Juli (atau Agustus gitu), ada treasure hunt yang diadain (official websitenya muse) buat nge-unlock lagu United States of Eurasia. Honsetly, aku gak ikut sama treasure hunt itu, soalnya Indonesia gak termasuk T_T. Tapi aku dapet hasilnya, yaitu lagu United States of Eurasia (sebenarnya sih download di tempat lain :D)

Terus menyediakan free streaming (tapi mesti jadi anggota dulu sih) album The Resistance, pas deket-deket launching albumnya (14 September ’09). Satu per satu lagunya muncul, kuikutin juga perkembangannya :D. Sampe akhirnya….

TANGGAL 14 SEPTEMBER 2009. Di luar negeri sih launching albumnya, tapi di Indonesia nggak :D. Tapi aku ikut merasakan kebahagiaannya (cieelah). Kucari beberapa berita tentang launchingnya, terus kubuka buat denger satu album. Wow, seneng banget rasanya :D

Aku udah berkomitmen buat beli yang original, tapi tetep, aku nyari di internet, terus kudownload lagu-lagunya :D. Dan Alhamdulillah, udah lengkap satu album, kecuali satu lagu (MK Ultra). Hehehe

Playlist di The Resistance: (with a little comment ^_^)

1. Uprising (opening song for the album, one of my favourite songs in the album)
2. Resistance (it could be could be wrong..)
3. Undisclosed Desires (synth and slap bass :D)
4. United States of Eurasia (first song that I knew, and probably the most favourite song, because of its violin :D)
5. Guiding Light ("a little cooling down" song)
6. Unnatural Selection (guitar play in closing is sooo great :D)
8. I Belong to You (+Mon Coeur S'ouvre A Ta Voix) (Viva la France!)
9. Exogenesis part 1 (Overture) (the opening of three part symphony)
10. Exogenesis part 2 (Cross-Pollination) (my favourite part of the symphony)
11. Exogenesis part 3 (Redemption) (closing, calm music makes me calm)
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Me and History

on 6:58 PM

Jujur aja, aku lagi gak punya ide untuk nulis postingan di sini. Tapi tadi kepikiran buat nulis sedikit bagian tentang aku. Jadi, kuwujudkan saja pikiranku itu :D

Cerita ini mungkin dimulai sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu, ketika aku baru mulai suka buku-buku sejarah karangan P.K. Ojong yang bertema Perang Dunia II. Waktu itu, aku coba-coba aja beli satu buku tersebut. Kubaca, aku ketagihan :D. Jadi aku mulai ngoleksi buku-buku karangan dia.

Dari saat itu, aku mulai suka sejarah. Waktu itu aku masih mengkhususkan tentang Perang Dunia II saja, karena emang waktu itu baru kenal tentang itu. Akhirnya aku pun berniat jadi sejarawan, tapi waktu itu masih tetap spesialis Perang Dunia II :D. Tapi perlahan-lahan aku berubah, mulai suka sejarah dunia secara umum, tidak mengkhususkan pada satu bidang saja (wow, bahasanya rumit! :D)

Aku gak cuma tertarik kepada buku-buku sejarah yang tebal-tebal (kuakui, buku sejarah emang tebal), tetapi juga kepada hal-hal di sekitarku. Misalnyaaa.....

Kakekku pernah cerita kalo dia mau bikin silsilah keluarga. Tapi gak cuma itu, lengkap dengan ceritanya satu per satu, terutama yang generasi tuanya (maksudnya generasi yang terdahulu gitu lho :D). Nah, aku tertarik tuh sama cerita yang kaya begitu.

Gak cuma itu, aku juga tertarik ke barang-barang tua, kaya mobil antik, benda-benda rumah tangga tua gitu, senjata-senjata (terpengaruh Perang Dunia II :D), pokoknya apa aja yang tua deh. Contohnya, aku suka banget sama mobilku, yang bisa dikatakan tua, karena umurnya yang hampir sama denganku :D.

Well, last but not least, aku suka banget sama sejarah, dan berniat memperdalam ilmu sejarahku biar bisa berguna di masa depan :)
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