It's been a long time since I sat in front of my computer and typed some words of my imaginations to become a new story. The last story I wrote is... Crap! I even can't remember it! -__-'. Since I "trapped" in this condition (secretary of student organization and other busy conditions), I just type letters and proposals. I rarely have time to write new stories (even to update my blog).
But now, the condition has been changed. During my last days on second grade in Senior High School, once again I found another inspiration for my new story. I got it from many sources, such as games, music, and even historical figures
Now I'll explain a little bit about the new story...
The story is about rise and fall of a king. The King in this story is inspired by Coldplay's Viva La Vida, Louis XVI of France, and many games such as Suikoden, Sim City 4, and many more. In the past, The King had a best friend and a lover. And.... (oops, sorry there isn't any spoiler for this story ^_^). I planned to divide the story into two parts, with different point of view and characters.
For their titles, I prefer "Rise" and "Fall". I was inspired by a book named "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" which I knew from a history book. "Rise" is for the first part, while "Fall" is for the second part.
"No guts, no glory". Based on that proverb, I will try to write this story set in a fictional kingdom in British regions on circa. 1000s A.D. So, I'm going to need a lot of research on these things.
Well folks, that's all I can tell about my new story. I'm fighting so hard to make it come true, so wish me luck and success ^_^. And if you want to participate in this project, you can contact me via email to
That's all folks. Au revoir!
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