Hey hey, long time no see my blog haha. It has been 4 months since our last meeting right? Sorry because I didn’t have any mood, even time to blogging
I have so many stories to tell ya. Well, it’s about my life. I mean my NEW life haha.
First story is about my lovelife (I always want to tell it since months ago but…. Sorry). Well, I’m single now. My ex-girlfriend and I broke up at November 20th 2009, in Kencana Loka, BSD. I was so sad that time, but now, it’s different me. Now we are walking on different way and different life. She has found another perfect boy and I still enjoy my single, (not totally) free, alone life. Well, I’m still looking for the next one haha.
Well, honestly, I just want to tell you about my lovelife. But I think that’s not enough. So, I’ll tell you my blog reader (^_^) another story about my life.
Since October or November 2009 (I forget when it happened), I was a member of Student Organization in my school, SMAN 2 Kota Tangerang Selatan, and I’m the member of 10th department of Student Organization. As one of many members of Student Organization, I’m involved on one of Student Organizations giant (more than big-red) project. The project is called Moonzher Cup (but my friend and I sometimes call it MooCup). So for all my blog reader, please pray for us so we are able to carry out our giant project (amen) :).
Well maybe that’s enough for opening after a very long break hehe. See ya next time guys in next post in the same blog :D. Good bye!
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